Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Experiencing Salvia

This is the time line from my last trip on Salvia Divinorum.

As some of you know, and for those who attack salvia divinorum should, after you've used salvia extract, not just its effects turn more strong, but at the same time you get tired from salvia divinorum and some day after experience it, you just don't want to taste it. In one word: Salvia addictive? Of course not!

That's why I haven't been on salvia extracts since almost 2 weeks ago. My advice is to try salvia no more than once every 2 weeks. This way you won't get salvia divinorum's effects so strong.

This time I tried 40x. I used a bong, I personally don't like to listen to any music, I always thought silence is much better, with darkness, like shamans use to do it. I didn't use a sitter, I used to have one on my first experiences, but I'm one of the few lucky that don't stand up and run, I don't even open my eyes, I guess the reason for this is that I use salvia divinorum emulating shamans: lay on the floor, or on my bed, in complete silence and darkness. Nevertheless I  cannot recommend strong enough the use of a sitter, you cannot be sure what could happen.

Will continue